Is the Evil Eye Haram in Islam? - Evil Eye Luxe

Is the Evil Eye Haram in Islam?

Is the Evil Eye Haram in Islam? Is believing in Evil Eye Haram? Is it haram to wear Evil Eye jewelry? In Islam, the concept of the evil eye, or 'Al-Ain' in Arabic, is acknowledged and discussed within the framework of faith and belief.

The question that arises in the minds of many is whether the evil eye is forbidden or not. To understand this, it is essential to dissect the layers of belief and practice surrounding the evil eye within Islamic teachings.

Let's explore whether the concept of the Evil Eye is considered haram in Islam! If you're interested in the meanings of evil eye colors, you can explore more about it here.

What Is the Evil Eye in Islam?

In the Islamic context, the evil eye refers to the malevolent gaze or envy directed towards someone. It is believed that a person who possesses this power can cause harm or misfortune to others through their envious glare. The evil eye is seen as a form of black magic and its practice is considered prohibited in Islam.

Is the Evil Eye Haram in Islam?

Islam does not reject the existence of the evil eye, but rather advises believers to protect themselves from it. The Prophet Muhammad has mentioned in various hadiths (sayings) about its reality and warned believers to seek protection from it.

Moreover, Allah mentions in the Qur'an that envy is a sin and those who engage in it will be held accountable for their actions. This highlights the importance of protecting oneself from the harms of the evil eye.

Is It Forbidden to Wear Evil Eye Jewelry?

The wearing of evil eye jewelry, also known as Nazar-amulet or Nazar-boncuk, is a common practice in many cultures. However, in Islam, it is not encouraged to wear such jewelry as a form of protection against the evil eye.

Many argue that depending on material possessions for protection might divert individuals from the genuine concept of tawakkul (trust in God) and towards shirk (associating partners with God), making it haram. Islam emphasizes the power of dua (prayer) and reliance on Allah for protection over any physical amulets.


In conclusion, Islam recognizes the existence of the evil eye and its potential harm. However, believers are advised to seek protection through prayer and reliance on Allah instead of physical amulets or charms.

Furthermore, believing in the power of the evil eye can lead to negative thoughts and actions towards others, which goes against Islamic principles of love and kindness towards all.

Despite the Islamic teachings that discourage the use of physical amulets like evil eye jewelry for protection, it's important to note that in the Arab world, many people still wear this type of jewelry as a cultural symbol, rather than strictly for religious protection.

If you are curious about the reasons behind your evil eye jewelry breaking, it might be insightful to explore the cultural beliefs and significance associated with this event.

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